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1st Process – Sravanam (Hearing)

Sri Jagannath Mandir

History of Lord Jagannath is Sri Simantadwip is not different from the Master of Sri Nilacala Dham (Jagannath Puri) himself. In Navadvipa-bhava-taranga Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has stated: “Further north is the enchanting place known as Saradanga. Here the leader of the Sabara race, out of fear of the demon named Raktabahu, secretly resides along with a deity of the Lord of Niladri, Jagannatha. May I always behold this place with my very eyes.”

Rama-tirtha (Rukumpur)

At this place Lord Balarama killed the demon Kolasura. Then, along with the members of the Yadu dynasty, He took bath in the Ganga. While Lord Balarama was visiting different holy places

Sri Madan Gopal Temple

This deity of Sri Madana Gopala was established and worshiped by Nilambara Cakravarti Thakura, the father of Srimati Sacidevi. Nilambara Cakravarti is said to have moved from Srihatta (Sylhet) to this village sometime between 1475 and 1490. He came here with his wife and his daughter, Saci-devi. This village used to be right next to the Ganga, but is now about 6 km away.